Gulsom – Portable Shower Unit and Pressure Care Mattress

 In Thank yous

There are some stories at MAD that truly take our breath away and remind us of the things in life we may take for granted.

“Gulsom and her family fled Afghanistan, under fire, on the last flight out from Kabul.  Gulsom was carried by her father and accompanied by her heavily pregnant mother and younger siblings. The family fled the Taliban and now live in the safety of Australia and without fear of war. 

Gulsom and her family have been supported by MAD to purchase a portable shower unit that can be used in their private rental home that doesn’t have an accessible bathroom. This means she can now be seated in a shower chair and experience being washed on a daily basis. Before MAD provided the funding for the portable shower unit, Gulsom’s parents struggled to wash her and funding a portable shower unit has changed all of this. 

MAD also purchased a new pressure care mattress for Gulsom that was custom made for the second hand hi low bed that Gulsom’s parents were gifted from another family. These 2 items have made a significant impact on the family’s day to day life. Gulson used to sleep on a mattress on the floor but now she has a proper bed: a hi-low bed with a customised pressure care mattress. 

MAD has made a huge difference to Gulsom’s ability to sleep safely and comfortably and to experience a daily wash. Things we cannot take for granted!” 

Jennifer Knol Physiotherapist

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