Paolo – Bingo stroller

 In Thank yous

Paolo has been in hospital since his birth in September last year. He has an evolving significant disability, with hearing and vision impairment and respiratory difficulties.

Things have been very hard for this family of 7. A long hospital stay has been extremely difficult and without employment, fixed housing and non-citizenship status, the family are unable to meet the many needs that Paolo’s condition requires. RCH and community services are providing extensive support to the family to determine a long-term housing solution for Paulo and his family and their ongoing eligibility for government funded financial support including access to the NDIS.

RCH asked for assistance from the MAD Foundation. MAD was able to fund a specialist stroller, to enable mobility and meaningful interactions and experiences with his family and environment. The Bingo stroller can also carry the equipment needed to support Paolo’s respiratory function and an activity tray. In his new stroller, Paolo has shown growing responsiveness to people and his surroundings. Paolo has had a difficult journey and remains fragile and vulnerable but facilitating memorable opportunities to share with his family remains a top priority.

“Today was an exciting day, as Paulo’s Bingo stroller was delivered.

Paulo was able to get off the ward for the first time and enjoy the sunshine and views of RCH surrounds. Paulo’s family were also able to enjoy some time with him.

These photos commemorate a special day.

Thank you for helping us to provide meaningful opportunities for Paulo.”

Danae, OT, RCH

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