Caleb – Ceiling Hoist
Caleb is 14 years old and has complex medical and disability needs including: chronic lung disease, undiagnosed neurodegenerative disease, global developmental delay, metabolic disorder, precocious puberty, sleep apnoea and a cortical vision impairment. He is nonverbal, fully wheelchair and hoist dependent for mobility, has limited fine motor function and requires full assistance with bathing, toileting and feeding through a PEG (percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy) tube.
Recently, Caleb’s mother was successful in receiving a government housing property, due to Caleb’s complex needs. They are now in a position to have a ceiling hoist fitted in the house. A ceiling hoist will greatly improve the quality of Caleb’s care, reduce risk to Caleb and his mother and ensure Caleb’s care needs are met in a timely and appropriate manner.
Caleb, like many of the children that MAD helps, requires 24 hour care and monitoring. This puts enormous physical and emotional stress on families. In this case Caleb’s mother is a single mother and sole carer of Caleb and his two siblings. Equipment like this helps to greatly reduce the significant carer fatigue that occurs.
That is such fantastic news! This hoist will help Caleb and his mum significantly and we really appreciate the Mad Foundations support in this.
Many thanks and kindest regards, Rosalind (Social Worker RCH)